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word racer program

during an undergrad winter break, i was into yahoo's word racer and experimenting with perl and shell-scripting. i thought it would be a nice little exercise to try and combine the two. the zip file linked here is the product of this learning experience.

enclosed within it is a program that will exhaustively solve each of the four word racer maps in a relatively short amount of time. i will admit, i've had a bit of fun testing this software out - i can easily pull 3000 point sessions using the program. it drives the serious word-racer jockies nuts :)

note that the program requires the ability to run perl. if you're using linux, you almost certainly know what this means. if you're running mac os x, you may or may not know what this means, but you're in luck, since perl is automatically installed; you can access it via utilities --> terminal. and, if you're running windows - well, you will just have to figure out how to get perl going from the cmd prompt. (maybe your desire to run this program will finally convince you to get a mac!)

[download here]

drop me a line of course at ldavid AT mit DOT edu if something isn't working out with the program.


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